
Tempered Glass Door 10mm per M2

Rp. 1,500
Last Updated
18 Feb 2025
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GLASS DOOR is a door made of
glass. There are two kinds of glass doors, namely Frameless Glass doors and
glass doors with aluminum frames.

Frameless glass doors are made up
almost entirely of thick glass. Minimum thickness is: 12 mm for swing opening
doors with hinges planted below. Usually for office glass doors and building
glass doors. And 10 mm thick for swing openings with side hinges (usually for
shower glass doors or toilet doors).

Sliding openings for frameless

glass doors (Sliding) can use 10 mm thick glass and also 12 mm thick. For this
type of frameless glass door, it is recommended to use TEMPERED type glass,
because this is what people often say is safety glass or smart glass. What this
means is that this type of tempered glass will break into small pieces if there
is a hard impact that causes the glass to break, so that the glass will be safe
if exposed to humans.

For a glass door with an aluminium frame or frame, often also called a glass aluminum door, is a door whose
surroundings are made of aluminum frames with a glass middle. For the thickness
of the glass, you can use a minimum thickness of 5 mm and a maximum of 8 mm. I say
at least 5 mm because if it is less than that, the glass will break easily,
while the maximum is 8 mm, so that there is a gap between the glass and the
aluminum frame to be filled with gaskets or rubber which functions as a
vibration damper. If this gap is ignored, the glass will break easily if there
is vibration, or even if there is an expansion process due to the heat of the

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Jual Kaca Clear, Kaca Extra Clear, Kaca Reflektif, Kaca Tinted, Kaca Cermin, Patch Fitting, Floor Spring, Swing Door, Sliding Door
Kami menyediakan material kaca yang berkualitas dengan merek dagang ex ASAHI dan Mulia
Produk kaca yang kami tawarkan
- Clear Glass
- Tinted Glass
- Reflektive Glass
- Low E Glass
- Mirror
- Deco Mirror


Kami sebagai aplikator kaca (Specialist in glass work) memenuhi kebutuhan kaca beserta aluminium baik ekterior untuk facade maupun interior, spesifikasi pekerjaan yang dapat kami lakukan adalah sebagai berikut :
- Railing Tangga, Area Void dan Balkon
- Kanopi / Skylight
- Jendela Pintu Fremeless (Swing, Sliding dan Foldiing)
- Toilet Kubikal dan Shower
- Sistem Spider
- Kaca Dekoratif
- Curtain Wall
- Window Wall


Kaca Tempered
Keunggulan : Kekuatan kaca tempered 5x kaca biasa
Kaca Insulasi
Keunggulan : Mengurangi panas yang masuk dan mengontrol suhu dalam ruangan
Kaca Laminated
Keunggulan : Aman dan dapat mengurangi suara masuk kedalam ruangan
Kaca Bending
- Ketebalan  : 5mm - 12mm
- Ukuran Max : 2200mm x 4500mm
- Minimum Radius : 1000mm