Double glazing glass consists of 2 pieces of glass with a space in the middle which is then sealed into one. This construction makes double glazing glass have twice the insulation capability (both thermal and sound) than ordinary glass. The type of glass for double glazing units can consist of 2 sheets of clear glass, 2 sheets of tinted / stained glass, or 2 sheets of sunergy / low E glass. Low E glass maximizes the insulation ability of double glazing glass with the presence of a transparent metal oxide layer which functions as a way one-way thermal. By using low E glass double glazing glass can provide 2x better insulation than using ordinary clear glass.
Product Details :
1. Reducing the cost of cooling the room / air conditioning because basically double glazing glass limits the incoming solar heat at the same time "trapping" cold air from the air conditioner so that it does not come out
2. Improve sound insulation by creating a sound barrier between a certain room and the outside, so that noise from outside can be minimized. Music studios are perfect for this double glazing glass application.
3. Reducing damage to furniture in the house caused by heat from the sun. Safety factors because double glazing glass is difficult to break / very strong. The two sheets of glass undergo a "harden" or "toughened" process before being sealed together. If you want even more security, you can use tempered glass on double glazing glass.
Jual Kaca Clear, Kaca Extra Clear, Kaca Reflektif, Kaca Tinted, Kaca Cermin, Patch Fitting, Floor Spring, Swing Door, Sliding Door Kami menyediakan material kaca yang berkualitas dengan merek dagang ex ASAHI dan Mulia Produk kaca yang kami tawarkan - Clear Glass - Tinted Glass - Reflektive Glass - Low E Glass - Mirror - Deco Mirror
Kami sebagai aplikator kaca (Specialist in glass work) memenuhi kebutuhan kaca beserta aluminium baik ekterior untuk facade maupun interior, spesifikasi pekerjaan yang dapat kami lakukan adalah sebagai berikut : - Railing Tangga, Area Void dan Balkon - Kanopi / Skylight - Jendela Pintu Fremeless (Swing, Sliding dan Foldiing) - Toilet Kubikal dan Shower - Sistem Spider - Kaca Dekoratif - Curtain Wall - Window Wall
Kaca Tempered Keunggulan : Kekuatan kaca tempered 5x kaca biasa Kaca Insulasi Keunggulan : Mengurangi panas yang masuk dan mengontrol suhu dalam ruangan Kaca Laminated Keunggulan : Aman dan dapat mengurangi suara masuk kedalam ruangan Kaca Bending - Ketebalan : 5mm - 12mm - Ukuran Max : 2200mm x 4500mm - Minimum Radius : 1000mm
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